Hello friends. I don't know if you've heard, but I am bigger than a business card. And I looking forward to some exciting things in 2016.
One of which is the expansion of SKY Magazine. SKY is moving into year four - where did the time go? It is the most rewarding thing that I have done over my career and it just keeps getting better.
I began SKY as an entrepreneur with a passion for entrepreneurs, and I have shared stories about amazing people in our market place on the pages of SKY. Every issue is truly a humbling experience, and each beautiful in their own right. At the end of each issue, after we send it off the printer, Amber and I always say - 'this is the best one yet'.
I am still printing and distributing 32,000 magazines each season, when many others (of a greater size) are going digital or disappearing into the sweet night of memories. We are advocates for local business. SKY is created in Regina by people who live and work here. We are part of the community, and we give back to the businesses that we support.
As a former print journalist and professional writer, I am very committed to print because I believe that seeing is believing, that people will sit down and read good writing and appreciate good photography.
I am passionate about promoting independent businesses and telling the world about what they do, and the products and services they offer. I believe that when people know the story, that is the first step in building a lasting and mutually beneficial relationship.
SKY goes well beyond the printed word. We also have a continuous and growing voice in the social media realm; I am always posting to promote the businesses on the pages of SKY. I do this as part of my service because I want people to visit their businesses and say "I saw you in SKY". When that happens, it's the best feeling - because I know that SKY is working, because I am working for purpose.
A big thank you to Amber Amber Hack Moon, SKY's designer, and Greg Huszar, photographer, to #MarilynMisko at PrintWest for always working with us to produce a beautiful product, and to our rep Jesse Culbert at theRegina Leader-Post for helping us get SKY into mailboxes. And a big thank you to my family and friends for just being there through the ebb and flow of this crazy business.
But there is more to do.
This year, I am expanding the operations and the scope of the magazine. There are stories to tell. Businesses to grow. Industries to discover. Entrepreneurs are everywhere. And our goal is to shine the light on every single one of them before we're done, from film, fashion, arts, music, food to industry.
If you have an irrepressible entrepreneurial spirit, are skilled in relationship building and sales, writing, social media communication and are interested in becoming part of this crazy print and social media ride, I would love to hear from you. Send an email to me, and watch for detail on our website.#itstimetogrow #biggerthanabusinesscard #entrepreneursneedonlyapply